Meditation & Winter Cheer Workshop
7 December
Postgasse 13, 1010 Vienna
from 15:00
Meditation & Winter Cheer Workshop Read More »
7 December
Postgasse 13, 1010 Vienna
from 15:00
Meditation & Winter Cheer Workshop Read More »
Jeden 3. Samstag im Monat findet in unserem Sahaja Yoga Zentrum Postgasse von 14-17 Uhr ein Meditationsworkshop statt.
Nächsten Termin:
Samstag, 21.12.2024
Samstag Intensive Workshop 1010 Wien Read More »
Guided meditations for a better life
Our guided meditations are designed to work on various aspects of yourself, so whether you want to ease tension, reduce anxiety, gain confidence or just feel lighter and more joyful – we have a guided meditation just for you.
Diese Fotoausstellung – Eine Mutter Für Alle – handelt von diesem erstaunlichen Leben und allem, was sie erreicht hat. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, der Begründerin des Sahaja Yoga widmete ihr Leben der Verbesserung des Wohlergehens der Menschheit.
Auf seiner Suche nach Freude und Glück läuft der MENSCH von seinem Selbst weg, das die wahre Quelle der Freude ist. Er findet sich sehr hässlich und langweilig, weil er sein Selbst nicht kennt. Der Mensch sucht sein Glück in Geld oder Besitz, in Macht oder in begrenzter menschlicher Liebe und schließlich in der Religion,
Über Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, die Gründerin von Sahaja Yoga Read More »
Live Online-Meditationen in deutscher Sprache.
Jeden Montag um 20Uhr
Deutschsprachiger Online-Meditationskurs Read More »
Musician from Belgium What changes do you see in yourself through meditation? When I meditate I become more detached from any precarious situation, more open-hearted, I am able to return hostility with kindness and forgiveness. It gives patience and strength but most of all a wonderful state of inner peacefulness and joy engulfs me! What
Experiene of Sander Read More »
IT professional from India What have you learned about yourself through meditation? Sahaja Yoga Meditation is the only means through which I have identified myself. With this meditation I can identify myself above all worldly things. I see myself as an enlightened candle which removes all the darkness from within me. I feel a subtle
Experience of Rupina Read More »
Social sciences student from the Netherlands Is it difficult to meditate for 10 minutes a day? When you start meditating it seems like a difficult task; meditating for 10 minutes each morning. Yet I immediately noticed that I could integrate it very naturally into my morning routine. Meditation gives me so much positivity through the
Experience of Neelam Read More »
Music professor from Spain How did you experience your Self-realisation? Your kundalini awakening? I had three times my Self-realisation but never felt anything. Only about 18 months after my first attempt, while I was trekking in a snowed-covered Scottish landscape I had a very strong experience of blissfulness that lasted for 10 days. The strongest
Experience of Rafael Read More »